September 2013 Newsletter
Introducing: The Standard Process Purification Program… this July, Kristin and I took on the challenge of a 21- day cleanse using purification/detoxification products made by the Standard Process company (SP). Wellness conversations often include the subject of special diets and their varying purposes. These particular products are made using whole foods grown without toxic substances that are then juiced, dried, and formulated for specific health purposes. The primary goal of the cleanse we did was detoxification/purification of the body. Weight loss was a secondary goal. A third possible goal was to determine food sensitivities. Using the post-cleanse time to slowly reintroduce certain foods into the diet, any physical reactions to those foods would then be noted. An awareness of digestive sensitivities might then be gained. The toxins in question come mostly from processed foods, and foods with dyes, additives and preservatives. Toxins can also come from certain cooking processes like charbroiling or grilling, deep-fat frying, and over-cooking or even purposely burning foods. Tap water, non-organic fruits and vegetables, genetically altered food, artificial sweeteners, soft drinks, and non-free range meats all carry toxins that can build up in our
system and can contribute to various health problems.
This cleanse was proposed in a health newsletter as an aid for the serious and difficult-to-treat problem of polycystic ovarian syndrome. If your diet contributes to a toxic build-up, and in addition you are exposed to substances like pollution, hair dyes, toxic cleaning fluids, perfumes, and soaps, while it may not lead to a debilitating illness, it may leave you feeling less than at your best. The detoxification/purification program is like “rebooting” the system for a fresh start.
The purification process of limiting the intake of offensive foods, at the same time eating only healthy foods, can offer a different mindset about what to eat, how it affects the body and energy for daily living. All or some of the following benefits may be achieved: increased energy/vitality, improved digestion, improved physical appearance (brighter eyes, clearer skin), clearer thinking, improved elimination, and weight reduction. You may even see the disappearance or lessening of past conditions like PMS, insomnia, headaches, and stomach aches.
Food intake for the 21 days includes unlimited consumption of collard greens, dandelion greens, mixed greens, mustard greens, red/yellow/green peppers, onions, mushrooms, spinach, carrots, celery, radishes, kale, broccoli, Swiss chard, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, cabbage, artichokes, red beets, squash
and sweet potatoes. These fruits may be eaten: apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, berries, melons, and tomatoes, using a two-to-one ratio to the vegetables, eating twice as many vegetable as fruit servings.
Acceptable salad dressings are lemon juice or vinaigrette. No nuts – with the exception of six almonds per day. In addition to these foods, two or three smoothies are consumed using the Standard Process Complete smoothie mix.
The first week, seven capsules of SP cleanse are taken three times/day, and three capsules of Gastro-Fiber are taken three times/day on an empty stomach. The second and third weeks, the SP Cleanse is no longer taken, while SP Green Food, five pills, two times per day is started. In addition to this, a small amount of olive oil, coconut oil, or a little organic butter can also be consumed. On the modified program, one or two eggs per day, a small portion of fish or chicken(4 oz.), two servings of brown or wild rice per day (one serving = one cup) may be included. Stay hydrated with at least eight
glasses of spring water per day. For exercise, walking at least four times per week for thirty to
forty-five minutes is recommended.
Kristin, her husband Scott, and I undertook this process together in order to be able to report the process and results with first-hand experience. Several times, we found it helpful to call Standard Process with questions, and then were able to develop a nice guide to help others as they endure (I mean enjoy), the process of cleansing. Kristin reports she lost fifteen pounds and a total of six and one-half inches during the three weeks. Her husband, Scott reports he lost sixteen pounds. All three of us experienced the benefits of increased energy, improved digestion, less bloating, and clearer skin. Kristin and I would be happy to coach you through the process if you are interested in trying it.
All of the necessary supplements are also available here at Active Life. Feel free to call or visit!
Did you know that Vitamin K… was first recognized by Danish scientist Henrik Dam? He performed an experiment in 1929 investigating the role of cholesterol by feeding chickens a cholesterol-depleted diet. After several weeks, the chickens developed hemorrhages and started bleeding. When they restored purified cholesterol to the diet the defects did not change. It was found that a second compound had been inadvertently extracted from the food, and Henrik Dam called this the ‘coagulation vitamin’. It was later referred to as vitamin K in a German journal. Not much was heard about vitamin K until about ten years ago. Further research has shown vitamin K is actually not a single vitamin;
rather it is a group of similar fat-soluble vitamins that are all necessary to activate essential proteins for both blood coagulation and calcium metabolism. Vitamin K-1 (MK-4) is in leafy greens. Two tablespoons of parsley contain 153% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin K-1. Absorption is improved when accompanied by fats such as butter or oils, avocado, kiwi fruit and grapes. Bacteria in the colon actually help make a significant portion of human vitamin K requirements. People with bowel diseases, liver damage, cystic fibrosis, or who have had recent abdominal surgeries can experience vitamin K deficiency. If you have symptoms such as anemia, bruising easily, including bleeding gums or nose, and (for women) heavy menstrual bleeding it may be a sign of vitamin K-1
deficiency. If you are taking blood thinners like warfarin (also called Coumadin), you are advised to limit consumption of dark green leafy vegetables (i.e. K-1). A lesser known function of vitamin K is that it helps the body properly use bone-building nutrients, which indicates that it has clinical potential in regards to osteoporosis, although the FDA has not approved any form of vitamin K for the prevention or treatment of it. Presently, MK-4 has been shown to decrease fractures up to eighty-seven percent and has been approved in Japan since 1995 for use in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Vitamin
K-2 (MK-7), also called menaquinone, seems to prevent calcification of arteries. Vitamin K-2 deficiency is related to severe aortic calcification and all-cause mortality. K-3, which is a synthetic form of vitamin K has been shown to be toxic and has been banned from over-the-counter sales in the U.S. Large doses can cause allergic reactions, hemolytic anemia, and cytotoxicity in the liver cells. Our Standard Process products are made from whole food - no synthetic forms of vitamins are ever in
their products.
Introducing…John Butera, massage therapist, now leasing space in our office! He specializes in myofascial release and posture analysis to alleviate pain. This works well for chronic aches that may be due to injuries or surgeries that only partly respond to chiropractic care. Mr. Butera’s treatment is different than typical massage. If you’d like to schedule an appointment with him, please contact him
directly at (719) 339-3998.
system and can contribute to various health problems.
This cleanse was proposed in a health newsletter as an aid for the serious and difficult-to-treat problem of polycystic ovarian syndrome. If your diet contributes to a toxic build-up, and in addition you are exposed to substances like pollution, hair dyes, toxic cleaning fluids, perfumes, and soaps, while it may not lead to a debilitating illness, it may leave you feeling less than at your best. The detoxification/purification program is like “rebooting” the system for a fresh start.
The purification process of limiting the intake of offensive foods, at the same time eating only healthy foods, can offer a different mindset about what to eat, how it affects the body and energy for daily living. All or some of the following benefits may be achieved: increased energy/vitality, improved digestion, improved physical appearance (brighter eyes, clearer skin), clearer thinking, improved elimination, and weight reduction. You may even see the disappearance or lessening of past conditions like PMS, insomnia, headaches, and stomach aches.
Food intake for the 21 days includes unlimited consumption of collard greens, dandelion greens, mixed greens, mustard greens, red/yellow/green peppers, onions, mushrooms, spinach, carrots, celery, radishes, kale, broccoli, Swiss chard, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, cabbage, artichokes, red beets, squash
and sweet potatoes. These fruits may be eaten: apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, berries, melons, and tomatoes, using a two-to-one ratio to the vegetables, eating twice as many vegetable as fruit servings.
Acceptable salad dressings are lemon juice or vinaigrette. No nuts – with the exception of six almonds per day. In addition to these foods, two or three smoothies are consumed using the Standard Process Complete smoothie mix.
The first week, seven capsules of SP cleanse are taken three times/day, and three capsules of Gastro-Fiber are taken three times/day on an empty stomach. The second and third weeks, the SP Cleanse is no longer taken, while SP Green Food, five pills, two times per day is started. In addition to this, a small amount of olive oil, coconut oil, or a little organic butter can also be consumed. On the modified program, one or two eggs per day, a small portion of fish or chicken(4 oz.), two servings of brown or wild rice per day (one serving = one cup) may be included. Stay hydrated with at least eight
glasses of spring water per day. For exercise, walking at least four times per week for thirty to
forty-five minutes is recommended.
Kristin, her husband Scott, and I undertook this process together in order to be able to report the process and results with first-hand experience. Several times, we found it helpful to call Standard Process with questions, and then were able to develop a nice guide to help others as they endure (I mean enjoy), the process of cleansing. Kristin reports she lost fifteen pounds and a total of six and one-half inches during the three weeks. Her husband, Scott reports he lost sixteen pounds. All three of us experienced the benefits of increased energy, improved digestion, less bloating, and clearer skin. Kristin and I would be happy to coach you through the process if you are interested in trying it.
All of the necessary supplements are also available here at Active Life. Feel free to call or visit!
Did you know that Vitamin K… was first recognized by Danish scientist Henrik Dam? He performed an experiment in 1929 investigating the role of cholesterol by feeding chickens a cholesterol-depleted diet. After several weeks, the chickens developed hemorrhages and started bleeding. When they restored purified cholesterol to the diet the defects did not change. It was found that a second compound had been inadvertently extracted from the food, and Henrik Dam called this the ‘coagulation vitamin’. It was later referred to as vitamin K in a German journal. Not much was heard about vitamin K until about ten years ago. Further research has shown vitamin K is actually not a single vitamin;
rather it is a group of similar fat-soluble vitamins that are all necessary to activate essential proteins for both blood coagulation and calcium metabolism. Vitamin K-1 (MK-4) is in leafy greens. Two tablespoons of parsley contain 153% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin K-1. Absorption is improved when accompanied by fats such as butter or oils, avocado, kiwi fruit and grapes. Bacteria in the colon actually help make a significant portion of human vitamin K requirements. People with bowel diseases, liver damage, cystic fibrosis, or who have had recent abdominal surgeries can experience vitamin K deficiency. If you have symptoms such as anemia, bruising easily, including bleeding gums or nose, and (for women) heavy menstrual bleeding it may be a sign of vitamin K-1
deficiency. If you are taking blood thinners like warfarin (also called Coumadin), you are advised to limit consumption of dark green leafy vegetables (i.e. K-1). A lesser known function of vitamin K is that it helps the body properly use bone-building nutrients, which indicates that it has clinical potential in regards to osteoporosis, although the FDA has not approved any form of vitamin K for the prevention or treatment of it. Presently, MK-4 has been shown to decrease fractures up to eighty-seven percent and has been approved in Japan since 1995 for use in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Vitamin
K-2 (MK-7), also called menaquinone, seems to prevent calcification of arteries. Vitamin K-2 deficiency is related to severe aortic calcification and all-cause mortality. K-3, which is a synthetic form of vitamin K has been shown to be toxic and has been banned from over-the-counter sales in the U.S. Large doses can cause allergic reactions, hemolytic anemia, and cytotoxicity in the liver cells. Our Standard Process products are made from whole food - no synthetic forms of vitamins are ever in
their products.
Introducing…John Butera, massage therapist, now leasing space in our office! He specializes in myofascial release and posture analysis to alleviate pain. This works well for chronic aches that may be due to injuries or surgeries that only partly respond to chiropractic care. Mr. Butera’s treatment is different than typical massage. If you’d like to schedule an appointment with him, please contact him
directly at (719) 339-3998.