June 2023 Newsletter
Joint nutrition and how it relates to… collagen and gelatin. This last year, different supply chain issues resulted in my inability to get bulk unflavored gelatin. I waited for the product to appear in the usual places and asked for it to no avail. Understand that unflavored gelatin is basically collagen. Collagen has become one of the latest fads in nutrition circles. There was a sale on what I call fancy collagen at a health food store, and I bought that thinking that chemically it should be similar. The label contained many claims and the marketing on it could have led me to think it was superior to ordinary unflavored gelatin. But in effect, it was not. Let me tell you the listed ingredients, bovine hide collagen peptides, fermented eggshell membrane collagen, chicken bone broth protein concentrate, hydrolyzed fish collagen peptides. There were other products on the shelf that were just “scraped bovine hide”, which I found quite unsatisfactory. There were many varieties, and all were quite expensive.
Let me tell you a story that goes with my search for unflavored gelatin. While I was still in clinic at chiropractic college, a retired veterinarian came into the clinic. He needed a complete exam, x-rays, blood work - all of it. He was using his retirement years to visit Viet Nam as a vet missionary, bringing aid to that population. His x-rays showed many areas with prior injuries. At various times, he had had large animals fall and/or step on him, there were many stories. These joints would typically be labeled arthritic by any doctor. Yet, he was as spry as a cricket. When he was not overseas, he was a maintenance man at a local farm/ranch. He said his secret was the recipe below. He drank this mixture every evening and called it his bedtime nightcap.
When he was overseas and couldn’t do this, he noticed a difference within a couple of weeks in terms of increased joint pain.
Recipe for Rejuvenating Joints
(especially the cartilage, including discs)
In a small sauce pan put 1 cup juice (like apple) and sprinkle 2 envelopes of unflavored gelatin over the juice. Let it turn from opaque to translucent (about 2 minutes). Heat gently until the gelatin is dissolved. Flavor with cinnamon if desired. Drink before it cools off too much, every night.
Here, I’ve modified the recipe to be done right in the mug, eliminating the need for cleaning a little saucepan.
Mug Recipe
In a large mug, put 1/3 cup juice and sprinkle 2 envelopes of unflavored gelatin over the liquid. Let it soften and hydrate for about 2 minutes until it is translucent and no longer opaque. Pour boiling water over it and stir. This may need something to flavor it better. If so, I suggest a bit of powder from Apple Cider packets or some Country Time lemonade mix. It can be just a diluted version of the original drink.
I am reprinting this recipe because of my experience that after about a year of using the fancy collagen sold in health food stores my joints have been hurting quite a bit. I still have not found bulk unflavored gelatin, but I found envelopes in a large package. Within two weeks my joint pain has diminished quite a bit. This practice is intended to encourage a rebuilding of the cartilage in the joints, so it will take some time. Since we know the typical aging process of the discs and cartilage in our joints is to shrivel and shrink in old age, this would then be something that can be done to slow it down. Medical doctors will tell you that you cannot replenish your cartilage. I have heard people quote these well-meaning doctors to say, “It’s like growing grass on concrete.” Frankly, they are mistaken.
There are other things a person can acquire to help aching joints repair some of the damage caused by injury or aging. There is one in particular that will be the focus for the remainder of this newsletter. It is called PEMF, which stands for Pulse Electro Magnetic Frequency. It is a pad that is sold by Oxford Medical Instruments that I have been using.
I wanted to try it for myself and let my family experiment with it before I told others about it. People are starting to be familiar with PEMF therapy now and are asking me about it. The name says what it is. The concept behind using it as therapy is not so easily articulated.
Mechanisms that offer PEMF will have a system of pulsing electricity through magnets at certain frequencies. The objective is to find the best frequency for any ailment that needs therapy. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, Jr, considered the father of bioelectric medicine,
invented the Rife Microscope (in the 1930’s). His theory became public knowledge that every disease, every sickness, has a frequency, and that it should be possible to then find the equal and opposite frequency to “cancel it out”, much like sound waves of equal and opposite frequency cancel each other out. This is basic physics. Another explanation for how this therapy helps is that when the electric pulse, at a certain frequency, puts energy into a person’s body, it affects the mitochondria.
When you energize mitochondria, they are enabled to better do their job of making energy available in each cell of the body.
Here is a concept that might be less difficult to visualize. When we are sick, or weary we need more energy. When this is the case, we frequently tend to turn to caffeine or sugar for this boost. What if electrical energy could be infused into you by laying on a mat for 10 to 30 minutes? Sounds a little like science fiction, doesn’t it? Once again, my favorite guinea pig to experiment with is my husband, Norm. He has used this mat after strenuous work, or exercise many times. He lays on it exhausted with muscles aching, especially his back. He does twenty minutes at a setting of
10, and when he gets off of it, he says he feels much better.
Here are some other descriptions of what PEMF does. “It uses the interaction of negatively charged electrons with the magnetic field – it radiates a pulse of electromagnetic energy”, and “It utilizes life’s natural forces and helps the body revitalize, rejuvenate for quicker repair”. Another device described their pulser worked with “a nanosecond rise with a dwell time square wave pulse technology that has proven the most effective in promoting cellular growth and increase blood flow. These are two important features of any recovery program and treatment for many ailments. Between 250-650 milligauss/square wavelength form similar to Schuman’s Primary Resonance.”
I will help you in researching this yourself with some web sites. My O.M.I. pad was purchased through www.oxfordmedicals.com.
Oxford Medical Instruments USA Inc. 10665 Stanhaven Place, Suite 3108, White Plains, MD 20695. Phone number is 760-209-8440. Other places to check are www.pemfadvisor.com or www.healthline.com.
Please notice the calendar – I will be taking some days off for a trip and for the July fourth weekend.
Standard Process gave me a letter to say they are raising their prices next month. If you would like me to order you something give the office a call and feel free to leave a message with your phone number. I will call you when it arrives.
Joint nutrition and how it relates to… collagen and gelatin. This last year, different supply chain issues resulted in my inability to get bulk unflavored gelatin. I waited for the product to appear in the usual places and asked for it to no avail. Understand that unflavored gelatin is basically collagen. Collagen has become one of the latest fads in nutrition circles. There was a sale on what I call fancy collagen at a health food store, and I bought that thinking that chemically it should be similar. The label contained many claims and the marketing on it could have led me to think it was superior to ordinary unflavored gelatin. But in effect, it was not. Let me tell you the listed ingredients, bovine hide collagen peptides, fermented eggshell membrane collagen, chicken bone broth protein concentrate, hydrolyzed fish collagen peptides. There were other products on the shelf that were just “scraped bovine hide”, which I found quite unsatisfactory. There were many varieties, and all were quite expensive.
Let me tell you a story that goes with my search for unflavored gelatin. While I was still in clinic at chiropractic college, a retired veterinarian came into the clinic. He needed a complete exam, x-rays, blood work - all of it. He was using his retirement years to visit Viet Nam as a vet missionary, bringing aid to that population. His x-rays showed many areas with prior injuries. At various times, he had had large animals fall and/or step on him, there were many stories. These joints would typically be labeled arthritic by any doctor. Yet, he was as spry as a cricket. When he was not overseas, he was a maintenance man at a local farm/ranch. He said his secret was the recipe below. He drank this mixture every evening and called it his bedtime nightcap.
When he was overseas and couldn’t do this, he noticed a difference within a couple of weeks in terms of increased joint pain.
Recipe for Rejuvenating Joints
(especially the cartilage, including discs)
In a small sauce pan put 1 cup juice (like apple) and sprinkle 2 envelopes of unflavored gelatin over the juice. Let it turn from opaque to translucent (about 2 minutes). Heat gently until the gelatin is dissolved. Flavor with cinnamon if desired. Drink before it cools off too much, every night.
Here, I’ve modified the recipe to be done right in the mug, eliminating the need for cleaning a little saucepan.
Mug Recipe
In a large mug, put 1/3 cup juice and sprinkle 2 envelopes of unflavored gelatin over the liquid. Let it soften and hydrate for about 2 minutes until it is translucent and no longer opaque. Pour boiling water over it and stir. This may need something to flavor it better. If so, I suggest a bit of powder from Apple Cider packets or some Country Time lemonade mix. It can be just a diluted version of the original drink.
I am reprinting this recipe because of my experience that after about a year of using the fancy collagen sold in health food stores my joints have been hurting quite a bit. I still have not found bulk unflavored gelatin, but I found envelopes in a large package. Within two weeks my joint pain has diminished quite a bit. This practice is intended to encourage a rebuilding of the cartilage in the joints, so it will take some time. Since we know the typical aging process of the discs and cartilage in our joints is to shrivel and shrink in old age, this would then be something that can be done to slow it down. Medical doctors will tell you that you cannot replenish your cartilage. I have heard people quote these well-meaning doctors to say, “It’s like growing grass on concrete.” Frankly, they are mistaken.
There are other things a person can acquire to help aching joints repair some of the damage caused by injury or aging. There is one in particular that will be the focus for the remainder of this newsletter. It is called PEMF, which stands for Pulse Electro Magnetic Frequency. It is a pad that is sold by Oxford Medical Instruments that I have been using.
I wanted to try it for myself and let my family experiment with it before I told others about it. People are starting to be familiar with PEMF therapy now and are asking me about it. The name says what it is. The concept behind using it as therapy is not so easily articulated.
Mechanisms that offer PEMF will have a system of pulsing electricity through magnets at certain frequencies. The objective is to find the best frequency for any ailment that needs therapy. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, Jr, considered the father of bioelectric medicine,
invented the Rife Microscope (in the 1930’s). His theory became public knowledge that every disease, every sickness, has a frequency, and that it should be possible to then find the equal and opposite frequency to “cancel it out”, much like sound waves of equal and opposite frequency cancel each other out. This is basic physics. Another explanation for how this therapy helps is that when the electric pulse, at a certain frequency, puts energy into a person’s body, it affects the mitochondria.
When you energize mitochondria, they are enabled to better do their job of making energy available in each cell of the body.
Here is a concept that might be less difficult to visualize. When we are sick, or weary we need more energy. When this is the case, we frequently tend to turn to caffeine or sugar for this boost. What if electrical energy could be infused into you by laying on a mat for 10 to 30 minutes? Sounds a little like science fiction, doesn’t it? Once again, my favorite guinea pig to experiment with is my husband, Norm. He has used this mat after strenuous work, or exercise many times. He lays on it exhausted with muscles aching, especially his back. He does twenty minutes at a setting of
10, and when he gets off of it, he says he feels much better.
Here are some other descriptions of what PEMF does. “It uses the interaction of negatively charged electrons with the magnetic field – it radiates a pulse of electromagnetic energy”, and “It utilizes life’s natural forces and helps the body revitalize, rejuvenate for quicker repair”. Another device described their pulser worked with “a nanosecond rise with a dwell time square wave pulse technology that has proven the most effective in promoting cellular growth and increase blood flow. These are two important features of any recovery program and treatment for many ailments. Between 250-650 milligauss/square wavelength form similar to Schuman’s Primary Resonance.”
I will help you in researching this yourself with some web sites. My O.M.I. pad was purchased through www.oxfordmedicals.com.
Oxford Medical Instruments USA Inc. 10665 Stanhaven Place, Suite 3108, White Plains, MD 20695. Phone number is 760-209-8440. Other places to check are www.pemfadvisor.com or www.healthline.com.
Please notice the calendar – I will be taking some days off for a trip and for the July fourth weekend.
Standard Process gave me a letter to say they are raising their prices next month. If you would like me to order you something give the office a call and feel free to leave a message with your phone number. I will call you when it arrives.