April 2020 Newsletter
Let me get right to the subject at hand… and allow me to borrow information from the Epoch Times, which is a source I trust the most of any that is out there. What to call it? Some people are calling it Covid-19 or Coronavirus. The Epoch Times is a paper that was started about ten years ago by people who escaped communist China, and they are calling it, “The Communist Chinese Party Virus” (CCPV). Putting a label on it and categorizing it gives us a sense of scientifically mastering it. There are several strains of Coronavirus. The Corona group in general is a group of viruses that include those that cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). We have seen that name for a virus before. Also included in that group is the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and we’ve seen that before too. The name Covid-19 this refers to the year in which it appeared, 2019. It is a novel strain but it has a similar disease course. It usually begins with a high fever, cough, shortness of breath and/or difficulty breathing. Some sources say the very beginning symptoms are a scratchy, sore, or very dry throat and a general feeling of malaise. Malaise is a French word for “ill-at-ease” or “feel-a-little discomfort”. Another word for disease is infirmity. The Greek translation of infirmity is weakness, sickness, any diversion from healthy. This infirmity has the world in a tailspin. It started in Wuhan, China. They thought it was a different kind of pneumonia. Iran and Italy use Chinese labor in their factories. The transport of these employees to and from home on weekends brought these two countries extra exposure to the CCP virus. That is why they were hit as hard as China. China cannot be trusted to give us accurate numbers of their cases or deaths.
If you are over the age of seventy and have other underlying health difficulties then Covid-19 is potentially life threatening. The media is hyping this up and selling fear. Living in a state of fear releases cortisol which has a negative effect on the immune system. Throughout the past winter months, I have been writing about building and boosting immunity. Let me repeat them here and now, so that the media has less power to make you afraid. Chiropractic philosophy contends that it isn’t the seed, (pathogen) but the soil (your body) that gives disease opportunity. That translates in reference to the body in this way: if your immunity is strong and you make your body hostile to letting a germ or virus live there, you are far less likely to succumb to sickness or any other infirmity.
Consuming anti-oxidants can help make your body a hostile environment to infirmities. Some of the products I have written about recently are grapeseed extract, elderberry, vitamin C, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, ginger and honey. I have noticed the grocery stores have run out of many of those items. I sell some Standard Process products also known to fortify the immune system: Immuplex, Quercitin, Cataplex A-C-P, Iplex is very similar, Adrenal Complex, Drenamin, and Cataplex D. These products are all made from real food made into extracts that are put into pill form. The body is better able to absorb these nutrients than it can from synthetic vitamins. Aloe vera juice helps the stomach, lungs, intestines, eyes and skin. If you can disguise the aloe vera juice with some other juice, I can’t think of a better thing to consume. Take two tablespoons, twice a day, morning and evening. You can buy it in pill form if you hate the taste.
The importance of minerals in maintaining vibrant health must not be overlooked. Let’s start with zinc, which has a been shown to help eliminate cold viruses again and again. I’m told that it is also hard to find in stock on the shelves right now. It should be said that too much zinc is harmful; 3-5 mg a day is a maximum dose. Minerals tend to be hard to absorb, which in some ways can protect us from over dosing. In that regard, the Standard Process minerals again stand out as superior to synthetic. I sell two products that offer a spectrum of minerals, “Organically Bound Minerals”, and “Min-Tran”. The best source of minerals is vegetables. Some say
raw, others say cooked are better. In some cases, cooking releases the nutrients without the burden of excessive chewing. It is debatable whether raw is really so much better than cooked. If you drink the water the vegetable is cooked in as we do in soups you can get nutrition that may have leached into the water.
Digestion is also an important part of immune system health. What you eat is secondary to what you absorb from it. We have had many people benefit from digestive enzymes in this office. These enzymes are not the same thing as probiotics. Digestive enzymes work to effectively break apart the food molecules in the way that is needed for absorption. Most children have plenty of enzymes manufactured in their stomach. The food particles are better absorbed because there is more surface area as well as being smaller particles. Enzymes are usually names with a word that ends with the suffix, “ase”. Protease and amylase help digest proteins, lactase helps digest lactose. Cellulase helps digest the fibers of plants. Lipase helps digest fats and oils. Then there are herbs and spices that aid digestion. Ginger, dandelion root, barberry root and bark, gentian root, beet root, cayenne pepper and fennel seed. Papaya and pineapple are two fruits that liquify proteins and fats. You can purchase a chewable pill form of papaya enzyme that is pleasant tasting. These are usually small pills. I was able to give them to my children and they quickly figured out whether they needed more than one pill. I recommend digestive aids to people who tell me it feels like their food sits in their stomach like lead. Excess gas or bloating can also be remedied this way in many cases.
Here are a few more suggestions to help deal specifically with this virus, to either prevent getting or what to do if you do get it. It appears to be sensitive to heat, so drink warm/hot liquids, avoid anything cold. Avoid getting chilled, keep yourself warm and dry, whether indoors or out. Wrap your neck in a scarf, pull up your coat collar, wear a hat, don’t
expose yourself to the elements. One of the first symptoms typically reported is a dry throat. It helps to douse that with warm liquids. The nose and throat are lined with endothelial tissue, similar to the skin. Dry skin looks like dry, cracked dirt. That means there are ‘openings in the skin’ that let the virus in. Drink a lot of liquids, stay hydrated, which causes your tissues to repel the virus in the nasal -throat cavity, and the body will send it down to the stomach for the stomach acid to kill. Another reported symptom is being short of breath, possibly because the air passageways are getting swollen. There is an herb called mullein that opens airways, it’s sold at herb shops. Brew it in tea and drink it as soon as you feel these symptoms. Coughing is often caused by the throat trying to open itself up with a rebound effect. Find a way to breathe in warm air. One suggestion is to have your blow dryer near and breath that hot air. Respiratory Relief is a brand of colloidal silver that can be absorbed into the lungs with a nebulizer.
Go to bed early and let yourself rest even if you don’t sleep. Lying down lets the kidneys renew the body. Nutrient based sleep aids that I sell are: Tranquil Sleep, Formula 303, and Kavinace Liquid. Turmeric milk before bed can also be an effective aid. The recipe is milk, turmeric, honey and all the spices you might add to pumpkin pie that you like. Warm it up and drink it just before bed.
Nowhere in the news do I hear about homeopathic aids. Boiron makes a product called Oscillococcinum, which should be taken at the first sign of any flu-like symptoms; this would include body aches, headache, fever, chills, fatigue. Hyland’s makes cell salts that are dissolved under the tongue. Bioplasma is a combination of twelve mineral cell salts that are vital to cellular health and function. People take it prophylactically, or they keep it readily available and start to take it at the first sign of symptoms. I suggest you get a box of one or the other to have on hand. It is normally available at most health food stores.
Let me get right to the subject at hand… and allow me to borrow information from the Epoch Times, which is a source I trust the most of any that is out there. What to call it? Some people are calling it Covid-19 or Coronavirus. The Epoch Times is a paper that was started about ten years ago by people who escaped communist China, and they are calling it, “The Communist Chinese Party Virus” (CCPV). Putting a label on it and categorizing it gives us a sense of scientifically mastering it. There are several strains of Coronavirus. The Corona group in general is a group of viruses that include those that cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). We have seen that name for a virus before. Also included in that group is the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and we’ve seen that before too. The name Covid-19 this refers to the year in which it appeared, 2019. It is a novel strain but it has a similar disease course. It usually begins with a high fever, cough, shortness of breath and/or difficulty breathing. Some sources say the very beginning symptoms are a scratchy, sore, or very dry throat and a general feeling of malaise. Malaise is a French word for “ill-at-ease” or “feel-a-little discomfort”. Another word for disease is infirmity. The Greek translation of infirmity is weakness, sickness, any diversion from healthy. This infirmity has the world in a tailspin. It started in Wuhan, China. They thought it was a different kind of pneumonia. Iran and Italy use Chinese labor in their factories. The transport of these employees to and from home on weekends brought these two countries extra exposure to the CCP virus. That is why they were hit as hard as China. China cannot be trusted to give us accurate numbers of their cases or deaths.
If you are over the age of seventy and have other underlying health difficulties then Covid-19 is potentially life threatening. The media is hyping this up and selling fear. Living in a state of fear releases cortisol which has a negative effect on the immune system. Throughout the past winter months, I have been writing about building and boosting immunity. Let me repeat them here and now, so that the media has less power to make you afraid. Chiropractic philosophy contends that it isn’t the seed, (pathogen) but the soil (your body) that gives disease opportunity. That translates in reference to the body in this way: if your immunity is strong and you make your body hostile to letting a germ or virus live there, you are far less likely to succumb to sickness or any other infirmity.
Consuming anti-oxidants can help make your body a hostile environment to infirmities. Some of the products I have written about recently are grapeseed extract, elderberry, vitamin C, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, ginger and honey. I have noticed the grocery stores have run out of many of those items. I sell some Standard Process products also known to fortify the immune system: Immuplex, Quercitin, Cataplex A-C-P, Iplex is very similar, Adrenal Complex, Drenamin, and Cataplex D. These products are all made from real food made into extracts that are put into pill form. The body is better able to absorb these nutrients than it can from synthetic vitamins. Aloe vera juice helps the stomach, lungs, intestines, eyes and skin. If you can disguise the aloe vera juice with some other juice, I can’t think of a better thing to consume. Take two tablespoons, twice a day, morning and evening. You can buy it in pill form if you hate the taste.
The importance of minerals in maintaining vibrant health must not be overlooked. Let’s start with zinc, which has a been shown to help eliminate cold viruses again and again. I’m told that it is also hard to find in stock on the shelves right now. It should be said that too much zinc is harmful; 3-5 mg a day is a maximum dose. Minerals tend to be hard to absorb, which in some ways can protect us from over dosing. In that regard, the Standard Process minerals again stand out as superior to synthetic. I sell two products that offer a spectrum of minerals, “Organically Bound Minerals”, and “Min-Tran”. The best source of minerals is vegetables. Some say
raw, others say cooked are better. In some cases, cooking releases the nutrients without the burden of excessive chewing. It is debatable whether raw is really so much better than cooked. If you drink the water the vegetable is cooked in as we do in soups you can get nutrition that may have leached into the water.
Digestion is also an important part of immune system health. What you eat is secondary to what you absorb from it. We have had many people benefit from digestive enzymes in this office. These enzymes are not the same thing as probiotics. Digestive enzymes work to effectively break apart the food molecules in the way that is needed for absorption. Most children have plenty of enzymes manufactured in their stomach. The food particles are better absorbed because there is more surface area as well as being smaller particles. Enzymes are usually names with a word that ends with the suffix, “ase”. Protease and amylase help digest proteins, lactase helps digest lactose. Cellulase helps digest the fibers of plants. Lipase helps digest fats and oils. Then there are herbs and spices that aid digestion. Ginger, dandelion root, barberry root and bark, gentian root, beet root, cayenne pepper and fennel seed. Papaya and pineapple are two fruits that liquify proteins and fats. You can purchase a chewable pill form of papaya enzyme that is pleasant tasting. These are usually small pills. I was able to give them to my children and they quickly figured out whether they needed more than one pill. I recommend digestive aids to people who tell me it feels like their food sits in their stomach like lead. Excess gas or bloating can also be remedied this way in many cases.
Here are a few more suggestions to help deal specifically with this virus, to either prevent getting or what to do if you do get it. It appears to be sensitive to heat, so drink warm/hot liquids, avoid anything cold. Avoid getting chilled, keep yourself warm and dry, whether indoors or out. Wrap your neck in a scarf, pull up your coat collar, wear a hat, don’t
expose yourself to the elements. One of the first symptoms typically reported is a dry throat. It helps to douse that with warm liquids. The nose and throat are lined with endothelial tissue, similar to the skin. Dry skin looks like dry, cracked dirt. That means there are ‘openings in the skin’ that let the virus in. Drink a lot of liquids, stay hydrated, which causes your tissues to repel the virus in the nasal -throat cavity, and the body will send it down to the stomach for the stomach acid to kill. Another reported symptom is being short of breath, possibly because the air passageways are getting swollen. There is an herb called mullein that opens airways, it’s sold at herb shops. Brew it in tea and drink it as soon as you feel these symptoms. Coughing is often caused by the throat trying to open itself up with a rebound effect. Find a way to breathe in warm air. One suggestion is to have your blow dryer near and breath that hot air. Respiratory Relief is a brand of colloidal silver that can be absorbed into the lungs with a nebulizer.
Go to bed early and let yourself rest even if you don’t sleep. Lying down lets the kidneys renew the body. Nutrient based sleep aids that I sell are: Tranquil Sleep, Formula 303, and Kavinace Liquid. Turmeric milk before bed can also be an effective aid. The recipe is milk, turmeric, honey and all the spices you might add to pumpkin pie that you like. Warm it up and drink it just before bed.
Nowhere in the news do I hear about homeopathic aids. Boiron makes a product called Oscillococcinum, which should be taken at the first sign of any flu-like symptoms; this would include body aches, headache, fever, chills, fatigue. Hyland’s makes cell salts that are dissolved under the tongue. Bioplasma is a combination of twelve mineral cell salts that are vital to cellular health and function. People take it prophylactically, or they keep it readily available and start to take it at the first sign of symptoms. I suggest you get a box of one or the other to have on hand. It is normally available at most health food stores.