I attended a continuing education seminar on different research studies being done all over the world. I am going to be sharing some of them with you.
Home remedy for swelling that I never heard of before. Wrap the swollen area in cabbage leaves. The study even showed how to lay a big cabbage leaf on a cutting board and roll a glass bottle over it to ‘crush it’ just a little. That made it more pliable to wrap around a knee or ankle. Use several layers of leaves, wrap a bandage and a layer of plastic wrap around that to keep things moist a little longer and let that stay on a good long while. Do this 5 times a day. The study did not specify how long. There were before and after pictures that were pretty convincing. It compared gp one had ice only, gp 2 did a combination. They compared % decreased swelling for mild swelling, medium swelling of the Supra patellar recess gap mild was 3-5mm mod was 6-10 mm -severe swelling was 11mm or more. (This is a gap between the back of the patella and the far end of the femur) There were 2 treatment gps – both were told to be non-wt. bearing 5 days and do quad isometric squats 5 times a day. When ice was applied it was applied to front of knee – leaves applied 4 “ above on and below the knee held in place with a bandage.
This was on acute/new injuries within 7 days – 235 patients were recruited in an ER in Poland. Male about 29 year of age.
%decrease gap 24 hour later 5 days later
Ice wrap only cabbage and ice ice only cabbage and ice
Mild 28% decrease 60% decrease 40% decrease 73% decrease
Miderate 40% decrease 71% decrease 70% decrease 86% decrease
Severe 22% decrease 41% decrease 42% decrease 70% decrease
I think their conclusion was accurate.
“Results show cabbage leaf wraps significantly accelerate tissue recovery in patients with knee injuries.
The process of absorption of fluid accumulated in knee was faster under the effect of cabbage leaves.”
As far as pain relievers or drugs none were mentioned.
Then there was a study done to check on the effect of Adding chiropractic care to the usual Medical care and comparing the two. The military is studying whether adding chiropractic care to help our military by adding it in and contrasting improvement in pain relief and function.
Using people from 3 different military medical centers – 750 patients with an average age of 31 – 77% were make – all had musculoskeletal low back pain for 1 to 3 months. There were 2 treatment groups. Group 1 had ‘the usual medical care’ that included medicines, physical therapy, pain clinic referral when deemed necessary, and self care. Group 2 had Medical care plus access to chiropractic care up to 12 visits. That would include spinal manipulation almost every time but also might include heat, electrotherapy. The data was gathered via on line questionnaires- data analysist were blinded to treatment assignment.
First question – Report of average pain felt in the last seven days.
After 6 weeks after 12 weeks
Gp 1- 13% decrease 24% -decrease
Gp 2- 37% decrease 43 %- decrease
Second comparison was report the worst pain you have had in the last 24 hours
Gp 1 -25% decrease 34%- decrease
Gp 2- 45% decrease 53%- decrease
Third comparison – Measured improvement of function
Gp 1 – 30%- improved 40%- improved
Gp 2 – 50 % -improved 60%- improved
The people writing this concluded that “Chiropractic care when added to usual medical care resulted in moderate short-term improvements in low back pain, intensity, and disability in active-duty military personnel. This trial provides additional support for the inclusion of chiropractic care as a component of multidisciplinary health care for low back pain as currently recommended in existing guidelines. “
I add – Yay – rah rah- Go Chiropractic!!! 😉
Cucumbers vs Glucosamine-chondroitin – Effectiveness in the management of moderate osteoarthritis compared. A randomized controlled trial. Study was done by the UK. 122 patients studied with average age of 52 – 54% were female from medical centers in southern India, Cameroon, and Wales. All had mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis (OA) confirmed on an Xray. - They were randomly assigned to 2 treatment groups. Both remedies were in the form of capsules of similar appearance, shape, size, color and odor. Treatment period lasted 6 months. The treating doctor did not know which remedy was being handed out. 1350 mg glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate twice a day vs 10 mg Q-Actin twice a day.
Decrease in pain at 30 days 90 days 180 days
Glucosamine gp. 13% decrease 22% decrease 25% decrease
Cucumber ext. 25% decrease 36% decrease 46% decrease
WOMAC score
Glucosamine 14% decrease 32 % decrease 33 % decrease
Cucumber ext. 30% decrease 50 % decrease 70% decrease
Their conclusion was, “The proprietary cucumber extract (CSE) administered at a dose of 10 mg twice daily brought significant pain relief to participants. – The low dose of the natural extract makes it a lot more attractive than conventional OA management regimes” The study was sponsored by Imino Tech who supplied the Q-Actin ™ It is always a caution to check a study that is sponsored by a company that stands to profit from good results in favor of it’s product. As a pilot study it does look positive.
Home remedy for swelling that I never heard of before. Wrap the swollen area in cabbage leaves. The study even showed how to lay a big cabbage leaf on a cutting board and roll a glass bottle over it to ‘crush it’ just a little. That made it more pliable to wrap around a knee or ankle. Use several layers of leaves, wrap a bandage and a layer of plastic wrap around that to keep things moist a little longer and let that stay on a good long while. Do this 5 times a day. The study did not specify how long. There were before and after pictures that were pretty convincing. It compared gp one had ice only, gp 2 did a combination. They compared % decreased swelling for mild swelling, medium swelling of the Supra patellar recess gap mild was 3-5mm mod was 6-10 mm -severe swelling was 11mm or more. (This is a gap between the back of the patella and the far end of the femur) There were 2 treatment gps – both were told to be non-wt. bearing 5 days and do quad isometric squats 5 times a day. When ice was applied it was applied to front of knee – leaves applied 4 “ above on and below the knee held in place with a bandage.
This was on acute/new injuries within 7 days – 235 patients were recruited in an ER in Poland. Male about 29 year of age.
%decrease gap 24 hour later 5 days later
Ice wrap only cabbage and ice ice only cabbage and ice
Mild 28% decrease 60% decrease 40% decrease 73% decrease
Miderate 40% decrease 71% decrease 70% decrease 86% decrease
Severe 22% decrease 41% decrease 42% decrease 70% decrease
I think their conclusion was accurate.
“Results show cabbage leaf wraps significantly accelerate tissue recovery in patients with knee injuries.
The process of absorption of fluid accumulated in knee was faster under the effect of cabbage leaves.”
As far as pain relievers or drugs none were mentioned.
Then there was a study done to check on the effect of Adding chiropractic care to the usual Medical care and comparing the two. The military is studying whether adding chiropractic care to help our military by adding it in and contrasting improvement in pain relief and function.
Using people from 3 different military medical centers – 750 patients with an average age of 31 – 77% were make – all had musculoskeletal low back pain for 1 to 3 months. There were 2 treatment groups. Group 1 had ‘the usual medical care’ that included medicines, physical therapy, pain clinic referral when deemed necessary, and self care. Group 2 had Medical care plus access to chiropractic care up to 12 visits. That would include spinal manipulation almost every time but also might include heat, electrotherapy. The data was gathered via on line questionnaires- data analysist were blinded to treatment assignment.
First question – Report of average pain felt in the last seven days.
After 6 weeks after 12 weeks
Gp 1- 13% decrease 24% -decrease
Gp 2- 37% decrease 43 %- decrease
Second comparison was report the worst pain you have had in the last 24 hours
Gp 1 -25% decrease 34%- decrease
Gp 2- 45% decrease 53%- decrease
Third comparison – Measured improvement of function
Gp 1 – 30%- improved 40%- improved
Gp 2 – 50 % -improved 60%- improved
The people writing this concluded that “Chiropractic care when added to usual medical care resulted in moderate short-term improvements in low back pain, intensity, and disability in active-duty military personnel. This trial provides additional support for the inclusion of chiropractic care as a component of multidisciplinary health care for low back pain as currently recommended in existing guidelines. “
I add – Yay – rah rah- Go Chiropractic!!! 😉
Cucumbers vs Glucosamine-chondroitin – Effectiveness in the management of moderate osteoarthritis compared. A randomized controlled trial. Study was done by the UK. 122 patients studied with average age of 52 – 54% were female from medical centers in southern India, Cameroon, and Wales. All had mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis (OA) confirmed on an Xray. - They were randomly assigned to 2 treatment groups. Both remedies were in the form of capsules of similar appearance, shape, size, color and odor. Treatment period lasted 6 months. The treating doctor did not know which remedy was being handed out. 1350 mg glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate twice a day vs 10 mg Q-Actin twice a day.
Decrease in pain at 30 days 90 days 180 days
Glucosamine gp. 13% decrease 22% decrease 25% decrease
Cucumber ext. 25% decrease 36% decrease 46% decrease
WOMAC score
Glucosamine 14% decrease 32 % decrease 33 % decrease
Cucumber ext. 30% decrease 50 % decrease 70% decrease
Their conclusion was, “The proprietary cucumber extract (CSE) administered at a dose of 10 mg twice daily brought significant pain relief to participants. – The low dose of the natural extract makes it a lot more attractive than conventional OA management regimes” The study was sponsored by Imino Tech who supplied the Q-Actin ™ It is always a caution to check a study that is sponsored by a company that stands to profit from good results in favor of it’s product. As a pilot study it does look positive.